지 휘 용 장 갑 차
Light Armored Vehicle-Command and Control (LAV-C2)
미해병대의 Light Armored Vehicle-Command and Control (LAV-C2) 는 전술차량으로 해안가에 상륙작전을 수행하는 LAV부대나 독립부대에 대하여 육성과 데이터통신을 통해 정보, 화력지원, 작전지역으로 기동을 통제 지휘하는데 사용하는 장갑차량입니다.
The United States Marine Corps Light Armored Vehicle, Command and Control (LAV-C2) is a tactical vehicle that provides the necessary voice and data connectivity to intelligence, fire support, and maneuver elements in support of the Light Armored Reconnaiss ance (LAR) battalion or independent LAR company units during amphibious operations and subsequent operations ashore.
The LAV-C2 is an all-terrain, all-weather vehicle with night capabilities. The LAV-CC is a Type I raised roof chassis outfitted with communication stations that allows the Unit Commander the capability to command, control and communicate (C3) the activities of his forces under full armored protection. This mobile command station provides field commanders with all necessary resources to control and coordinate light armored units in all assigned roles. It is air transportable via C-130, C-141, C-5 and CH-53 E. When combat loaded there are 200 ready rounds and 800 stowed rounds of 7.62mm ammunition. There are 8 ready rounds and 8 stowed rounds of smoke grenades. The vehicle can be made fully amphibious within 3 minutes.
The LAV-C2 Upgrade Program, announced August 26, 2004, will address the modernization of the communications suite in order to provide digital and voice traffic. It w ill result in an open communications network architecture using legacy equipment while allowing for the drop-in of advanced, affordable communications technologies as they are matured and fielded (e.g., the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) to be fielded in FY09). The LAV-C2 acquisition strategy will focus on integrating non-developmental sub-systems. The candidate sub-systems have either been tested and fielded or are under development and will meet the required technology readiness level in order to mi nimize program risk. Open architecture will allow seamless integration of next generation sub-systems. The intercom, radio suite, server, and workstation upgrades to be included in the LAV-C2 upgrade program have been selected utilizing user surveys, Qua lity Functional Deployment (QFD), Pugh concept selection process, and trade studies.
Marine Corps Inventory: 50
Unit Replacement Cost: $650,000
Length 253.5 in.
Width 98.4 in.
Height 110.0 in.
Curb weight 23,980 lb.
Gross weight (max.) 28,200 lb.
AN/VIC-2 Intercom System
(1) UHF Radio AN/VRC-83
(1) UHF Position Location Reporting System
(1) HF Radio AN/GRC-213
(7) Antenna
Maximum speed 62 mph
Swim speed 6 mph
Maximum range 410 miles
Minimum turn diameter 51 ft.
Maximum trench crossing 81 in.
Maximum grade 60%
Maximum side slope 30%
Self Defense:
M240E 7.62mm Machine Gun
Ancillary Weapon:
(2) M257 Smoke Grenade Launchers
(8) L8A1 Smoke Grenades
200 Rounds 7.62mm
(8) L8A1 Smoke Grenades
800 rounds 7.62mm
Engine 275 hp Detroit Diesel 6V53T
Transmission Allison MT653 (5 speeds forward - 1 reverse)
Transfer case (1)
Differentials (4) automotive, (1) water drive
Suspension (8) wheel independent.
Full time 4 wheel (rear)
Selective 8 wheel drive
Power steering
Power brakes
Selective water drive
Water drive:
(2) propellers
(4) rudders
M8A1 ventilated face mask system
M43A1 detector/alarm system
Self-recovery Winch - Hydraulic (front-mounted 15,000 lb. dynamic pull)
LASER RANGE FINDER: AN/GVS-5 hand-held includes power connector
(1) C-130
(2) C-141
(5) C-5A
(1) CH-53E (helicopter lift)
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